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I Make Amazing
Things With Love

Elephant Love

What does it mean?

I’ve always loved elephants! My husband and son love elephants too! In Hindi/Gujarati, the word for elephant is ‘Hathi.’ The name Crafty Hathi essentially means Crafty Elephant.

Making The Best

My True Passion

Being a daughter, wife and mother is challenging. There are so many things to do and only so many hours in the day to get them done. At the end of it all, it can feel like there was no time left over to do things that help me unwind and relax from the craziness of the day. And sometimes it’s easy to lose yourself doing everything else. That’s when my husband suggested I needed to take time away from whatever I was doing and spend time just on me. So, he bought me my first Cricut machine and made me watch some YouTube tutorials. Pretty soon I was getting the hang of crafting! I started making so many different things for us around the house… cake toppers, cupcake toppers, banners, signs, centerpieces, mugs, tumblers, cups, sippy cups, and gosh… just about anything and everything I could get my hands on! And I was loving it! So, I decided to share my hobby with the world, and that’s how Crafty Hathi came to be. It’s my passion, and it all started with love!

Keeping It Simple

My Work Philosophy

I’m here to make the best custom crafts. What does that mean? That’s easy… would I use it myself? Just about everything I’m making is made with the thought that is this practical, or just something that looks good in Instagram pics? Most important, is it something that would be used? That’s what I strive to do. Make the best things, that get used daily!